I have recently added the Regex Tester Tool to the Scrape HTML Excel Add-In. Also as some might have noticed I decided to consolidate my HTML scraping UDF functions into the new Scrape HTML Excel Add-In.
What I was missing when using the UDF functions to scrape HTML content was some tool to test my regular expressions. Sometimes even a single character can render the whole regex to crash.
In the Scrape HTML Excel Add-In toolbox you will now find a very nifty tool called the Regex Tester.
Regex Tester Tool

The tool allows online evaulation of regular expressions – when any part of the expression is change the tool with evaluation your expression and returning the output. It comes useful when working with the GetElementByRegex and GetRegex functions but just as well can help you with any other regular expressions tasks!
Check out also this example video:
Download the tool together with the: Scrape HTML Excel Add-In.
I hope this will prove useful to some. Comment to let me know how this can be improved or what else should be in the Scraping HTML Excel Add-In toolbox!