I am constantly extending the Scrape HTML Add-In when I have some spare time. Today’s update adds Caching to the Get* functions.
See the latest version of the Excel Scrape HTML Add-In here:
Excel Scrape HTML Add-In
Why caching?
The primary concept of the Add-In is to reduce any need for writing VBA code. However, the problem with the Get* functions may be that if you specify multiple functions with the same URL there might be some overhead due to having to download the same HTML content just as many times – which might heavily impact performance. In order to solve this issue I have introduced the Cache functionality. If you specify the same URL in more than 1 Get* function then provided that the cache timeout has not passed the HTML content will not be refreshed from the Web but from the Cache. E.g. if you have 2 Get* functions with the same URL and a 60 sec timeout, then only the first call to the Get* function will download the content from the Web, whereas the second one will not – provided that the second call happens before the 60 sec timeout ends. You can change the setting at any time in the “Cache settings”.