Today a simple use case example – Excel to PDF exporter using Excel VBA. PDF is the current standard printing format. Saving an Excel file to PDF is not hard feat, however, sometimes you need to repeat this operation multiple times or even have a whole lot of Excel documents that need printing. Why do […]
Tag: Macro
VBA Searching strings using InStr and InStrRev
String manipulation is a key skill in VBA and other programming languages. Today let’s focus on using string searching functions to extract SubStrings from other strings using the VBA InStr or the VBA InStrRev functions. VBA Strings Manipulations Resources VBA SubString VBA InStr / InStrRev VBA Like Operator (Wildcards) VBA Regex VBA String Functions VBA […]
Scrape Google Search Results to CSV using VBA
Google is today’s entry point to the world greatest resource – information. If something can’t be found in Google it well can mean it is not worth finding. Similarly SEO experts blog and write about how to optimize your web pages to rank best in Google Search results often ignoring other search engines which contribution […]
VBA ActiveWorkbook vs VBA ThisWorkbook
ThisWorkbook refers to the workbook in which Excel VBA code is being executed. ActiveWorkbook on the other hand refers to the Excel Workbook that current has focus, meaning is the front facing Excel Window. Often Excel VBA Developers mix these two common types of Workbooks in VBA. The problem starts to arise when you work […]
The VBA ParamArray for a dynamic list of VBA arguments
Today’s VBA Tip of the Day concerns dynamic parameter declaration via the VBA ParamArray. When declaring Functions/Procedures in some cases you may need to specify Optional arguments. Let’s say we want to write a procedure that works similarly as other procedures you know natively from Excel like SUM: Now how would you create such a […]