Cascading drop-down are a very useful feature in Excel making it much easier to categorize your records. Say you have a list of records you want to associate with categories and subcategories. Normally you would start by assigning a category to each record and then have a problem with matching a subcategory. What is a […]
MS Office
Excel Pivot Table Tabular layout
Pivot Tables are a fantastic tool for slicing and dicing data. Sometimes, however, you need to spend quite a lot of time to achieve the right layout for your data. Today a short tutorial on how to achieve a pure pivot table tabular layout. Enjoy. Tabular Form vs Compact Form Let’s assume we have a […]
Optimize Excel formulas with the Excel Optimizer!
Ever been in a situation where your Excel workbook runs so slow you could make yourself a coffee before it finishes recalculating? Fighting to reduce the file size of your latest Excel report? Or just looking to optimize your Excel workbook a bit? Welcome to the AnalystCave Excel Optimizer the AddIn that will optimize Excel […]
VLOOKUP vs INDEX MATCH vs SQL vs VBA – today you are in for the ultimate Excel Showdown. The VLOOKUP Excel function is one of the most popular functions, around which there has always been much debate. You will most definitely find an article about this function on almost every Excel blog site out there […]
Native VBA Multithreading? There is only 1 but…
First I am sorry for making another post on VBA multihreading. Having written so many posts already it seems I am ranting on an on about this topic. I must subdue, however, and write shortly on one new way of almost Native Multithreading VBA using native kernel32 functions. If you’ve been around my blog you […]