Tag: VBA

VBA ParamArray
Excel, MS Office, Outlook, PowerPoint, Tip of the Day, Word

The VBA ParamArray for a dynamic list of VBA arguments

Today’s VBA Tip of the Day concerns dynamic parameter declaration via the VBA ParamArray. When declaring Functions/Procedures in some cases you may need to specify Optional arguments. Let’s say we want to write a procedure that works similarly as other procedures you know natively from Excel like SUM: Now how would you create such a […]

vba events
Excel, MS Office

VBA Open Workbook and other VBA events

Often when working with Excel files we want to introduce certain features which are supposed to be fired in the circumstance of certain events. Say we have a Excel worksheet that is time-sensitive, that needs to be updated based on some web-resource or database. Should we hope that the user will leverage our Refresh button. […]