Often we think about beginnings not endings. It is only when we get somewhere it is when we realize we hadn’t thought through our destination. Same goes for writing VBA macros. Fortunately the VBA End statement is here to save the day and help us put that full-stop in the right place. Today I want […]
VBA Substring vs Excel Substring – How to get a Substring in Excel?
Strings are not easy to manipulate and often we need to create a Excel Substring or VBA Substring. Excel and VBA in fact have multiple functions that support obtaining substrings. VBA Strings Manipulations Resources VBA SubString VBA InStr / InStrRev VBA Like Operator (Wildcards) VBA Regex VBA String Functions Excel vs VBA Substring functions In […]
VBA Like Operator – Using Wildcards in Conditional Statements
The VBA Like operator is something so useful I am often surprised how rarely it is used in Excel and Access VBA. I often tend to see the Like operator as the last resort before using Regular Expressions in VBA. It replaces greatly the VBA InStr function when needing to check if a certain substring […]
Word Translator AddIn and Excel Translator AddIn
Working in multinational organisations many of us struggle with ad-hoc translations of Word documents or Excel spreadsheets. Translations are a boring task. Usually what most of us have mastered is a simple process of copying texts from documents to Google Translate and back. If you have my VBA Time Saver AddIn you probably already have […]
Merge CSV files or TXT files in a folder – using Excel or CMD
Often we face the challenge of having to merge csv files or txt files in a folder, into a single file. Excel is the obvious tool for such tasks and today I will show a couple of easy ways for merging multiple files, in a single or even a whole structure of folders, into a […]