Writing Visual Basic for Applications code is hard, but what about writing VBA code that works and to write it fast? Often I found many colleges struggling to get a few simple procedures to work. I was amazed that most of them preferred to keep at it, trying to pin down the one line of […]
VLOOKUP vs INDEX MATCH vs SQL vs VBA – today you are in for the ultimate Excel Showdown. The VLOOKUP Excel function is one of the most popular functions, around which there has always been much debate. You will most definitely find an article about this function on almost every Excel blog site out there […]
Native VBA Multithreading? There is only 1 but…
First I am sorry for making another post on VBA multihreading. Having written so many posts already it seems I am ranting on an on about this topic. I must subdue, however, and write shortly on one new way of almost Native Multithreading VBA using native kernel32 functions. If you’ve been around my blog you […]
Excel VBA Cheat sheet
Welcome to my end-to-end VBA Cheat Sheet. Be sure to bookmark this page as your Excel VBA cheat sheet!. Visual Basic for Applications makes automation possible in Excel and other Office applications. The below Excel VBA Cheatsheet is your one stop shop for a variety of useful VBA automations. If you are new to VBA […]
Working with XML files in VBA (VBA XML)
XML files are one of the most common type of data files apart from text and CSV (comma-separated values) files. Reading data files which are not hierarchical (as XML files or JSON) is relatively easy. You can read in the data row by row and process columns separately. With XML (and JSON) the task is […]